This page provides guidance for Wyoming EMS agencies and personnel. It is based on Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s presented to the Wyoming Office of Emergency Medical Services related to EMS issues. Answers are based on an interpretation of current rules and regulations and should not be construed as the sole legal authority. In all cases, EMS agencies and personnel should rely on W.S. 33-36-101 and the “Rules and Regulations for Wyoming Emergency Medical Services” for legal authority.
FAQ’s are listed in order by ascending date along with supporting documentation for download if available.
Audit FAQ’s
Renewal Application Audit FAQ’s Update 3/18/2016
What is the difference between “certification” and “licensure?”
“Certification” refers to verification by an entity that an individual or organization has met certain requirements or standards. “Licensure” or “license” is a specific authority to act. Historically, EMS has used these terms interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. The EMS Education Agenda for the Future provides the following:
“Certification is the process of verifying competency at a predetermined level of proficiency. Licensure is the process of a state government agency granting official permission to practice within that given state. Although there are distinct differences, the terms “licensure” and “certification” are often used interchangeably. In actuality, licensure is the process of an agency making a declaration of competence to practice. The determination of eligibility for licensure is usually based on the completing of education requirements and the passing of an examination. Most licensure processes require some form of certification by either a state or national agency to ensure minimum competence.”
When a student completes an EMT course, the Class Coordinator certifies to the OEMS that the student has completed the training. Based on that certification, along with the other requirements in statute and rule, the OEMS licenses or authorizes the individual to act as an EMT.
What is the National Registry of EMTs?
The National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) is a non-profit, independent, certification agency. They have no authority to grant any EMT the right to work in any state.
Is there any Federal requirement that a state accepts the certification provided by the NREMT?
No. States may accept or reject NREMT certification as part of the state’s licensure process, based on the structure of the state’s statutes and rules. The NREMT has no authority to require any state to accept its certification, change or alter levels of service, or any other component of EMS system design.
Does the NREMT develop or approve curricula or EMT courses?
No. The NREMT allows individuals to take the NREMT exams based on completion of a “state approved” EMT course.
I am a National Registry EMT or paramedic. Can I provide care in Wyoming?
No. The National Registry of EMT’s is not a licensing authority. (See question #2.) You must comply with Wyoming’s licensing process.
What does an EMT licensed in another state have to do to become licensed in Wyoming?
- Submit a completed application to the Wyoming Office of EMS through the OWLS website at;
- Upload documentation of successful EMT course completion that is substantially equivalent to a Wyoming EMT course;
- Complete a fingerprint-based background check through the Wyoming Department of Criminal Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
- Successfully pass the Wyoming Certification Exam if required.
Is there a conditional licensing allowance in Wyoming?
Yes. A conditional license can be granted when all licensing requirements have been met with the exception of the fingerprint background check results being completed. Upon submission of a Conditional License Affidavit, a Conditional License can be granted for a period of 90 days.
Is there an emergency licensing allowance in Wyoming?
Yes. Emergency licensing is available for incident based response. Please contact the OEMS for process and details.
Is there a limitation on what skills a person can provide in Wyoming?
Yes. Regardless of what training the individual maintains, they must adhere to the Wyoming scope of practice for their current level of Wyoming licensure.