Request Women and Infant Health Materials
If you are an organization or medical provider interested in ordering these books to hand out to patients or families with infants, please click the button below to fill out our order request form. On this form you can also request materials from the CDC Hear Her Campaign and the Maternal Mental Health Hotline to hand out to patients.

Promoting the importance of Safe Sleep practices and environments is one of the strategies that the Women and Infant Health program is using to help prevent infant mortality.
As part of this strategy, the Women and Infant Health Program has been distributing Charlie’s Kids Sleep Baby Safe and Snug children’s books to the Wyoming Hand in Hand Home Visiting Program, the Parents as Teachers Parental Support and Child Development Program, and other organizations that work with families who have infants in the household. Since 2022, we have supplied an average of 2,000 books per year, ensuring books are available in every Wyoming county.