What is Newborn Screening?
Newborn screening is simple and safe blood test that looks for disorders that are rare but very serious.
Why does my baby need the test?
Newborn babies who have these disorders look healthy, but babies with some of them will get very sick or die just a few days or weeks after they’re born. Other disorders can affect a child’s mental health for a lifetime. The newborn blood spot screening test helps find babies with these disorders early so they can get medical treatment before they get sick.
How do I find out about my baby's newborn screening results?
Results are available from your baby’s primary care provider. Ask about your baby’s results at his/her well child visit.
Does my baby need the screening if there is no family history of these disorders?
YES. Most children who have disorders that have been detected by newborn screening DO NOT have a family history of genetic or metabolic disorders, and often seem healthy at birth.
Is a second screen necessary?
It is highly recommended that a second screen be performed to detect conditions that might not show up on the initial screen due to several factors.
If the screen is abnormal, does that mean my baby has the disease?
Not necessarily. Further testing and evaluation by a specialist are required to determine if the disease is present. Your primary care provider will refer your baby to a specialist if necessary.