The Women and Infant Health Program targets two priority areas in Wyoming: women/maternal health and infant health.
Below is our priority needs in each of these areas and our strategies to address these needs.
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Priority Need: Prevent Maternal Mortality
- Annual visits
- Promote Importance of preventive annual visit; and identify and implement evidence-based strategies to address barriers to preventive annual visit.
- Maternal Mortality Review Committee
- Implement evidence-based strategies to improve maternal health outcomes to include implementation of cross-state Utah-Wyoming Maternal Mortality Review Committee.
- County Level Projects
- Offer funding opportunities for county level organization to implement community level projects to prevent maternal mortality.
Priority Need: Prevent Infant Mortality
- Safe Sleep Practices/Environments
- Promote importance of safe sleep practices; and identity and implement evidence-based activities to address barriers to safe sleep practices.
- Decrease Smoking During Pregnancy
- Promote importance of smoking cessation among women of reproductive age and pregnant/postpartum women; and implement evidence-based activities to address barriers to smoking cessation.
- County Level Projects
- Offer funding opportunities for county level organization to implement community level projects to prevent infant mortality.
Program Contact
Kelly Belz, MPH
Women and Infant Health Program Manager
122 West 25th Street, 3rd Floor West
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307-777-6921 / 800-438-5795