Join the Utah-Wyoming Joint Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC)
Read below for more information on the needs of the MMRC. If you are interested in being a member of the Utah-Wyoming Joint MMRC, please fill out the application below and email it to
If you have any questions or problems with the application, please email
Current Open Utah-Wyoming MMRC Membership Positions
The Utah-Wyoming Joint Maternal Mortality Review Committee is currently seeking new members to serve on the committee. Current members represent diverse backgrounds, professions, and lived experience; Committee Members serve in 3 year terms with no limit to the number of terms a member serves. These members include medical practitioners, social workers, public health nurses, toxicologists, mental health providers, community leaders, etc.
Currently, the Utah-Wyoming MMRC has the following open positions for experts/expertise and/or lived experience:
Open Positions |
Provider: Obstetrician |
Provider: Perinatal mental health |
Provider: Family Practice/Rural |
Provider: Psychiatry |
Provider: Emergency department |
Provider: Rural |
Provider: Substance Use |
Open Positions |
Provider: Obstetric Nursing |
Provider: Perinatalology |
Provider: Cardiology |
Government: Substance Use and Mental Health |
Government: University of Wyoming |
Public health: Local |
Public Health: Department of Family Services |
MMRC Activities
The Utah-Wyoming Joint MMRC reviews de-identified case case summaries of deaths occurring during pregnancy or within the year of pregnancy, and all information about an identified case is gathered from death and birth certificates, medical records, autopsy reports, and other pertinent sources of information.
The goal of the MMRC reviews are to identify trends and risk factors for pregnancy related-death in Utah and Wyoming, identify preventable risk factors, and develop recommendations or strategies for prevention or intervention.