An Influenza-like Illness Network (ILINet) provider conducts surveillance for influenza-like illness (ILI) in collaboration with the WDH and the CDC. Data reported by sentinel providers, in combination with other influenza surveillance data, provide a local and national picture of influenza virus and ILI activity.
Who can be an Influenza Sentinel Provider?
Providers of any specialty in any type of practice are eligible to be sentinel providers.
Sentinel providers report the total number of patient visits each week and number of patient visits for influenza-like illness by age group (0-4 years, 5-18 years, 19-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years and >65 years). These data are transmitted once a week via the Internet, a touch-tone telephone, or fax to a central data repository at CDC. Most providers report that it takes them less than 30 minutes a week to compile and report their data. In addition, sentinel providers can submit specimens from a subset of patients for virus isolation free of charge.
If interested in becoming an influenza sentinel provider please contact Kaylyn Friesen, MPH, at (307) 631-8273.
ILINet Enrollment Form
Complete this form to enroll as a Wyoming ILINet Provider
ILINet Reporting Guidance
View the ILINet Reporting Guidance prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services
ILINet Provider Training
Complete the ILINet Provider Training Video.
ILINet Training Posttest
Complete the posttest after viewing the ILINet Training.