Schools and Child Caring Facilities are valuable partners in the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases. The Immunization Unit is committed to providing resources, information, and tools needed to ensure children are immunized appropriately.
Immunization Schedules, Templates, and Forms
- CDC ACIP Recommended Immunization Schedules (web page)
- Instant Childhood Immunization Schedule (CDC web page)
- Vaccine and Acronyms List (CDC web page)
- Conditional-Enrollment-Form-092022 (pdf)
- Verification of Disease Statement for Chickenpox/Varicella (pdf)
- Parent Letter: Notice of Immunizations Needed (doc)
- Parent Letter: Notice of Immunizations Needed (ES) (doc)
- How Your Child Care Program Can Support Immunization
- If You Choose Not to Vaccinate Your Child, Understand the Risks and Responsibilities, Information for Parents
- Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Disease (Pink Book)
- American Academy of Pediatrics-Immunization Schedules (web page)
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and students
Activities for children
Catch-up Immunization Tools
Catch-Up Vaccination Schedule Tools (CDC)
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) Catch-Up Guidance for Children 4 Months through 4 Years of Age
- Haemophilus influenzae type b-Containing Vaccines Catch-Up Guidance for Children 4 Months through 4 Years of Age
- Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)
- Diphtheria-, Tetanus-, and Pertussis-Containing Vaccines Catch-Up Guidance for Children 4 Months through 6 Years of Age
- Tetanus-, Diphtheria-, and Pertussis-Containing Vaccines Catch-Up Guidance for Children 7 through 9 Years of Age
- Tetanus-, Diphtheria-, and Pertussis-Containing Vaccines Catch-Up Guidance for Children 10 through 18 Years of Age
For additional assistance with catch-up guidelines, please contact the Immunization Unit’s Nurse Consultant at (307) 777-8981.
Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR) Access for Schools
Log in to the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR)
This form is intended ONLY for those who work in a Wyoming school (public or private K-12 and preschools associated with a school district) and may only be completed by the facility contact or your school administrator. Any requests NOT completed by the facility contact or school administrator will be returned. If you are unsure of who your facility contact is, please contact the Immunization Unit’s school and child care coordinator at (307) 777-7952. Please read all notes within the form carefully and completely to ensure a successful submission!
Any WyIR user may use this form to:
- Grant user access to the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR)
- Remove WyIR access from an existing user
- Reactivate an existing WyIR user account that is currently inactive
- Update demographic/contact information for an existing user
- Establish or change the WyIR facility contact
WyIR School User Access Request form
Accidental Clicks
Complete this Google form to report an incidental click on a student or patient record in the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR). An incidental click can be described as a click on a patient record that was meant to be an authorized student. This information will be reported to the Office of Privacy, Security, and Contracts at the Wyoming Department of Health.
Parent/Guardian consent
To ensure the Wyoming Department of Health is aligning with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Wyoming schools must obtain parent/guardian agreement by using the following forms before accessing a student’s immunization record within the WyIR for proof of immunization.
- Immunization Agreement Between Parent/Guardian and School (pdf)
- Immunization Agreement Between Parent Guardian and School (ES) (pdf)
Note: If your district’s registration occurs prior to identifying the specific school a child will attend, it is acceptable to write the school district name on the agreement, rather than the specific school name. However, the form must be included in the student’s record at the school in which they will attend, when identified, and be made available to WDH staff upon request.
In addition to the agreement provided by WDH. The following forms of documented consent are also permitted and if used, must be made available to WDH upon request:
- Dated note in the student record documenting verbal permission
- Consent captured in a student management system (language must be consistent with the Agreement provided by WDH).
Responsibilities - Parents and Guardians
- Parents and guardians are responsible for their child meeting state immunization requirements. Parents and guardians can meet those requirements by submitting the following documentation of a child’s immunization status to the school within thirty (30) calendar days of school entry. The documentation can be:
- An immunization record generated from the Immunization Information System (IIS)
- established by the Department of Health (the Wyoming Immunization
- Registry); or
- An immunization record certified by a primary healthcare provider; or
- An immunization record certified by a physician licensed in the United States, or the
- physician’s designee; or
- An immunization record certified by a public health authority; or
- Evidence of immunity
- A positive serologic test for measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, varicella, or
- all 3 serotypes of poliomyelitis; or
- A written diagnosis or verification of a history of varicella or herpes zoster by a physician or the physician’s designee; or
- An approved religious or medical waiver.
- Parents and guardians are responsible for requesting conditional enrollment for the child by submitting written documentation from a primary healthcare provider.
- The student has received at least the first dose in each immunization series and has age-appropriate appointments to complete the immunization series; or
- The student is obtaining serologic tests within thirty (30) calendar days of notification; or
- The student’s serologic test(s) are negative, and the student has appointments to be immunized within thirty (30) calendar days of notification to the parent to complete, or begin completion of the immunization series.
- A parent is responsible for providing consent to a school administrator or the administrator’s designee to access the student’s immunization record in the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR).
Responsibilities - Staff
- Inform parents of immunization requirements.
- In the event of a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak, as determined by the State Health Officer or County Health Officer, a school administrator will exclude any student who is not fully immunized against the occurring vaccine-preventable disease from attending school.
- Not permit a child to attend a school for more than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the child’s entry unless the student’s parents have submitted the required documentation of the child’s immunization status.
- Follow conditional enrollment processes established by the Wyoming Department of Health.
- A school administrator or the administrator’s designee will monitor and confirm that the student has completed the serologic test or subsequent dose of a vaccine according to the submitted written documentation.
- Maintain all student immunization documentation received in the student’s school record.
- Proof of immunization
- Evidence of immunity.
- An approved religious or medical waiver.
- When necessary, transfer a student’s immunization documentation to another school within Wyoming.
- Assess the required immunization documentation of each student in accordance with the referenced Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Recommended Vaccine Schedule.
- Make a student’s submitted documentation regarding immunization status available for inspection and review by authorized representatives of the Department.
- Report the immunization status and conditional enrollment of each enrolled child annually through the required Immunization Status Report.