Wyoming’s Public Vaccine Programs, or PVPs, help protect children and adults from vaccine-preventable diseases.
Clinics and hospitals that enroll in Public Vaccine Programs are making an investment in the local community by providing free and low-cost vaccines to qualifying children and adults.
Find vaccine coordinator training information in the Training Library.
Find provider information for the following programs on this page:
- Adult Hepatitis Vaccine (AHV)
- Bridge Access Vaccine (BAV) Program
- Influenza (flu)
- Vaccines for Children (VFC)
- Wyoming Vaccinates Important People (WyVIP)
Provider Changes
The Immunization Unit needs to know when Vaccine Coordinators and Primary Physician/Practitioners join or leave a practice.
Send changes two ways:
- Submit the WyIR User Access Request form to create a new WyIR user account
Email the details of the change(s) to the Provider Support Specialist at wdh.pvpreporting@wyo.gov.
Adult Hepatitis Vaccine (AHV) Program
The Adult Hepatitis Vaccine (AHV) Program is a state-funded vaccine program that allows Wyoming residents to receive Hepatitis A and B immunizations at no cost from participating public and private healthcare providers. Wyoming residents, aged 19 and older who are uninsured or underinsured, may receive Hepatitis A and B immunizations through this program at participating provider locations.
- Eligibility Table for Adult Hepatitis Vaccine Program (pdf)
- Sample AHV Eligibility Screening Form (doc)
- 2021 Adult Hepatitis Provider Agreement (pdf)
An underinsured person is a person who has commercial (private) health insurance, but the coverage does not include vaccines; a person whose insurance covers only selected vaccines (VUA-eligible for non-covered vaccines only); or a person whose insurance caps vaccine coverage at a certain amount. Once that coverage amount is reached, the person is categorized as underinsured.
Bridge Access Vaccine (BAV) Program
The Immunization Unit has received supplemental funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support vaccination for uninsured and underinsured adults through the Bridge Access Vaccine (BAV) Program. If your facility chooses to enroll in the BAV Program, COVID-19 vaccines will be available to order within the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR) at no cost to your facility to administer to uninsured and underinsured adults in Wyoming. In addition, COVID-19 vaccines administered through the BAV Program will be eligible for vaccine administration fee reimbursement on a monthly basis.
Please contact wdh.covidenrollment@wyo.gov for more information.
Influenza Program
Influenza (flu) vaccines are available seasonally, please contact wdh.pvpreporting@wyo.gov for more information.
Find the flu cheat sheet on the Training Library web page under “Reference Guides and Cheat Sheets.”
Vaccines for Children (VFC) Enrollment and Withdrawal
Are you ready to join the team? All Wyoming immunization providers are invited to participate in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. New providers can begin the enrollment process by contacting wdh.pvpreporting@wyo.gov or 307-777-7952.
Do you need to update the VFC provider enrollment agreement to remain enrolled in the Public Vaccine Program? Please complete the Vaccines For Children Program Provider Enrollment Agreement form (pdf) and email it to wdh.pvpreporting@wyo.gov.
Vaccines for Children Withdrawal
Providers that are currently enrolled in a Public Vaccine Program and no longer wish to participate must complete the following process and form. Providers are financially responsible for publicly supplied vaccines until they are safely transferred to another provider under the approval of the Immunization Program.
- Withdrawal Instructions (pdf)
- Withdrawal Form (pdf)
- Eligibility and Administration Fee Quick Reference Guide (pdf)
- Eligibility Determination Flowchart (pdf)
- Vaccine Eligibility Table Vaccine VFC ONLY (pdf)
- Sample VFC/WyVIP Eligibility Screening Form (doc)
- VFC/WyVIP Patient Eligibility Screening Record (doc)
- 2021 VFC Provider Agreement (pdf)
- Pediatric Population Form 072023 (pdf)
- Eligibility and Administration Fee
- Underinsured: VFC for underinsured is only available at federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, and deputized provider clinics (all public health nursing (PHN) offices in Wyoming are deputized clinics). Underinsured includes a child who has commercial (private) health insurance, but the coverage does not include vaccines; a child whose insurance covers only selected vaccines (VFC-eligible for non-covered vaccines only); or a child whose insurance caps vaccine coverage at a certain amount. Once that coverage amount is reached, the child is categorized as underinsured.
- A Delegation of Authority may be granted to VFC providers only. The delegation extends VFC authority to vaccinate underinsured VFC- eligible children due to limited capacity or distance from providers. A Delegation of Authority may be granted to VFC Providers only. The delegation extends VFC authority to vaccinate underinsured VFC- eligible children from Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to other VFC providers. Extension of this VFC authority is intended to provide underinsured VFC-eligible children with access to VFC vaccines that would otherwise be unavailable due to limited capacity or absence of an FQHC or RHC in a service area.
Wyoming Vaccinates Important People (WyVIP)
The Wyoming Vaccinates Important People (WyVIP) program is a state-funded vaccine program that provides affordable vaccines to children who are not VFC-eligible. Only Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics, and Public Health offices are eligible to participate in the Wyoming Vaccinates Important People (WyVIP) Program. Children who are Wyoming residents, 18 years and under, and do not qualify for VFC vaccine are eligible to receive vaccines through the WyVIP program. Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Hepatitis A, meningococcal, HPV, and COVID-19 vaccines are not available through the WyVIP program.