Your Industry Matters
Heavy industry workplaces have higher rates of substance use and suicide than other industries.
These challenging and physically demanding jobs can also impact mental health in other ways.
These resources are free to use, and give the opportunity for education and conversation around eight important topics with your teams.
Start the Conversation
This is why we’ve put together these genuine Wyoming-specific resources to help companies in your industries tackle these issues and foster a safer environment to talk about them.
Topics and Resources Available
Alcohol intake affects us, our work, and others. It can lead to health issues like liver disease, cancer, and strokes. Consider not drinking or drinking in moderation.
Opioid use at work can lead to drowsiness, confusion, and slower reactions, increasing accident risks and safety oversights.
THC & Marijuana
Smoking or consuming cannabis can cause sedation and disorientation, reducing control over motor skills and impairing concentration in assessing risky situations.
Using stimulants at work can lead to dependence, health problems, accidents, and injuries. Users often switch to other drugs, increasing the risk of a fatal overdose.
Marketed as an herbal remedy, this substance is wrongly seen as harmless. Doses over 5 mg can cause sedative effects that may impact safety at work.
Suicide Prevention
We’re aware that heavy industry jobs are among the most stressful, physically demanding, and isolating on Earth.
Stress & Wellness
Stress is common in heavy industries due to demanding work environments but we can learn to manage it.
Coping & Resilience
Strengthen skills by learning about coping and resilience.

Supporting Your Teams
These topics are crucial for safety and productivity at work, but talking about them can be stigmatized or feared for consequences. Sharing these resources can show leadership and the company’s support for those striving for health and safety. A supportive culture between employees and employers making safer and healthier choices will greatly impact Wyoming’s workforce and businesses.
The Media Toolkit includes magnets, posters, and a social media toolkit with pre-crafted messages, images, and profile assets that you can share and use across your networks and with your members.