Alcohol and Covid-19 in Wyoming Factsheet: This factsheet highlights self reported data about how people have changed their consumption of alcohol during the pandemic.
Alcohol and Crime in Wyoming: An annual report of substance-related arrest information. Reports prior to 2015 can be found here.
Alcohol-related Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits: This report describes the burden of alcohol-related healthcare utilization among residents of Wyoming in Wyoming healthcare facilities.
Wyoming Youth and Alcohol Reports: These reports contain youth and alcohol-related data collected by the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police (WASCOP) to develop more effective long-term strategies for law enforcement agencies and underage drinking prevention coalitions in Wyoming.
Wyoming Alcohol Outlet Density: This report describes a snapshot of the alcohol outlet density in Wyoming at the county and sub-county level.
2021 Wyoming Adult Tobacco Survey Report: This report contains state and county-level data about adult tobacco use collected by the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) at the University of Wyoming.
Tobacco Fact Sheets from the results of the 2021 Wyoming Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS) and 2022 Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) provide data on the use and attitudes about tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) products for Wyoming adults, teens, and youth.
Opioids and Other Drugs
Fatal Overdoses in Wyoming – 2020 Report
Opioid-Involved Overdoses in Wyoming – 2023 Report
Prescription Drug Abuse Toolkit: Prevention specialists, policymakers, and other interested community members can find resources and information needed to make an impact in preventing prescription drug abuse in Wyoming. This report investigates as many aspects of
stimulant use in Wyoming as possible, using available information from surveys,
administrative records, and other data sources.
Telling the Story of Opioid Use in Wyoming: The purpose of this report is to document
opioid-related data sources and indicators that currently exist in Wyoming.
Vital Statistics Services: Data and reports related to unintentional injury causes of death and to make a special overdose death data request.
Wyoming Drug Overdose Dashboard: Provides information about fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses in Wyoming.
Wyoming Opioid Epidemic Information Portal: The Wyoming Opioid Epidemic Information Portal provides access to maps of community resources related to the opioid epidemic as well as maps of opioid overdose deaths among Wyoming residents.
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD)
ACES and Substance Use: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood. This one page report highlights the relationship between ACES and Substance Use.
Alcohol and Tobacco Sales Compliance Checks and Synar Reports: Annual alcohol and tobacco sales compliance inspection checks performed by Wyoming police officers.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS): The BRFSS collects data from randomly selected non-institutionalized adults age 18 and older, through monthly telephone surveys. All 50 states currently conduct the survey, with the collaboration and support of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Currently Wyoming conducts about 6,000 telephone interviews each year. Final yearly data are weighted by CDC to account for different probabilities of selection and to be representative of the total adult Wyoming population by gender and age group.
Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA): A survey of 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students in the state of Wyoming conducted every other year. Topics include drug use, violence, and criminal activity.
Telling the Story of Stimulant Use in Wyoming: This report investigates as many aspects of
stimulant use in Wyoming as possible, using available information from surveys,
administrative records, and other data sources.
State/Community SEOW Profiles: Annual data produced by the State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) for the entire state and each county.
Substance Abuse Among WY Youth: Fact sheet with data on substance use by Wyoming youth in 2022.
Wyoming Vital Statistics Service (VSS): The Wyoming VSS office has data on maternal smoking rates, low birth weight babies, and causes of death, which include substance and tobacco-related factors. Visit the VSS website to view annual summaries as well as detailed county-level data.
Wyoming Young Adult Survey: Surveys completed in 2016, 2018, and 2020 to measure substance abuse and other health related behaviors, awareness, and attitudes among Wyoming residents aged 18 to 29.
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS): The YRBSS monitors risk behaviors that are often established during childhood and early adolescence and result in unintentional and intentional injuries. The risk categories monitored through the survey include: Tobacco Use, Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors, Physical Inactivity, Alcohol & Other Drug Use, Sexual Behavior/STD’s/HIV/AIDS/Unintended Pregnancies and Violence/Injury. The last year this was done in WY is 2015.
Shared Risk and Protective Factors Report: Fact sheet that defines the Shared Risk and Protective Factors Model and how to utilize it in community prevention work in Wyoming.