Welcome to Wyoming’s Substance Use Disorder Services and Community Mental Health Center Provider Certification Program
Thank you for your interest in the State of Wyoming certification program. Obtaining state certification is required of programs, providers, and facilities in Wyoming to provide substance use disorder services. Certification is required to provide substance use disorder assessments for court-ordered or referred clients, to receive State of Wyoming funds to provide substance use disorder services, and to provide community mental health center services per Wyoming Statute and Wyoming Rules and Regulations.
Regarding professional licensing questions, please contact the state licensing board applicable for your profession. The Wyoming Mental Health Professional Licensing Board may be contacted via information found on their website at: https://mentalhealth.wyo.
To access the list of current certified providers, click here.
Provider Certification Application
Wyoming’s Substance Use Disorder Services and Community Mental Health Center Provider Certification Program
To begin an application for state certification, please visit New Provider Certification or Renewal Provider Certification for guidance for completing the application.
The website of the online application is: https://bhms.health.wyo.gov/
DUI/MIP Provider Education
Driving Under the Influence/Minor in Possession (DUI/MIP) Early Intervention Education Guidance for State Certification
Substance Use Disorder Provider Education
Substance Use Disorder Provider Learning Opportunities and Supplemental Material Resources
- Center for the Application for Substance Abuse Technologies – CASAT: https://training.casat.org/products
- American Society of Addiction Medicine – ASAM: https://www.asam.org/
- Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network – ATTC: https://www.attcnetwork.org/calendar/search.aspx
- SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions: https://www.integration.samhsa.gov/clinical-practice/substance_use/trainings
- SAMHSA’s Health e Knowledge: https://healtheknowledge.org/
- Hazelden Publishing – Marijuana Brief Intervention: https://www.hazelden.org/OA_
HTML/item/442137?Marijuana- Brief-Intervention-Collection& src_url=itemquest - Hazelden Publishing – ASI-MV (Adult), BHI-MV (Adult), and CHAT (Adolescent) Assessment: https://www.hazelden.org/web/
public/asimvchat.page - The Change Companies – ASAM eTrainings including Module 1: Multidimensional Assessment and Module 2: From Assessment to Service Planning and Level of Care: https://www.changecompanies.
net/etraining/ (please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ASAM Criteria Training) - Prevention Research Institute – Prime Solutions Training: https://www.primeforlife.org/
Training/PRIME_Solutions - Mountain Plains Addition Technology Transfer Center (MPATTC): https://attcnetwork.org/regional-centers/?rc=mountainplains
Find Substance Use Disorder Services and Treatment Providers
- Click Here to access the online certified substance use disorder services provider search page.
- Click Here for a list of Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centers
- Click Here for a list of Division-contracted Community Substance Use Disorder Services Providers.
- Click Here for a list of Division-contracted Community Mental Health Center Providers.
The Wyoming Department of Health, Behavioral Health Division is providing this listing for your convenience and makes no endorsement of any provider.
Add a Level of Service
Please complete the Add a Level of Service form for providers between renewals, who wish to request added service levels to an existing certification.
- Complete the Add a Level of Service form
- Email as an attachment to: wdh-certification@wyo.gov, including a written request for desired added service(s)
- Submit a copy of an updated policy and procedure document that supports the proposed levels of service and/or special populations to be added
If the desired level is Level 0.5 Early Intervention Adolescent DUI/MIP Education, please submit:
- Submit the certificate of completion for the state-approved curriculum for all providers that will be providing services
- Submit current licensure filed with the Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board
For all other desired levels, please submit:
- Submit current licensure filed with the Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board
Please contact the Behavioral Health Division Mental Health and Substance Abuse Section Certification Program Manager if you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance: phone 1-800-535-4006 or email wdh-certification@wyo.gov.