Wyoming Behavioral Health Advisory Council
The Wyoming Behavioral Health Advisory Council (BHAC) is a majority consumer and family member advisory body to state and local government, the Wyoming State Legislature, and residents of Wyoming on mental health and substance abuse services in Wyoming. The vision and mission of the BHAC guides its ability to review and recommend evidence based approaches to be supported with the federal SAMHSA’s Community Mental Health (MHBG) and Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services (SUPTRS) Block Grants.
The BHAC wants to assure that Wyoming’s system of care for behavioral health addresses necessary modifications for healthcare reform and that our strategic plan allows us the flexibility to not only provide input into these changes. The BHAC’s processes are also modified as necessary to accommodate and support the behavioral health system. The BHAC informs the Behavioral Health Division’s administration and the legislature on priority issues through publications and reports. The BHAC also provides feedback on mental health policy and regulations. The BHAC monitors and evaluates the allocation and adequacy of mental health services in the state.
The mission of the BHAC is to provide a unified voice dedicated to ensuring the dignity of individuals by promoting excellence in a person-centered, recovery-focused system of care.
The vision of the BHAC is to have a holistic culture of health for Wyoming citizens that recognizes behavioral health as integral to whole health.
The BHAC is made up of Wyoming residents including membership representatives of the principal state agencies involved in mental health, higher education training facilities, and public and private entities concerned with the need, planning, operation, funding, and use of mental health and related services and activities. At least one half of the members shall consist of individuals who are not state employees or providers of mental health services. Members may be recommended to the Governor by the BHAC.
The members of the BHAC advocate for an effective and accessible mental health system across the life span for all Wyoming citizens. See the steps to apply for the BHAC below:
- Click here to access the Governor’s Boards and Commissions webpage
- Find the “Behavioral Health Advisory Council” in the “Boards and Commissions” dropdown
- Download and fill out the application
- Send the form into the Governor’s office
- Wait to be notified of approval
- Contact bhd.grants@wyo.gov for additional information.
BHAC Meeting Announcements
The BHAC will meet a minimum of twice a year. Meetings will take place over Zoom and over the lunch hour. Members are required to attend. If interested in joining as a member of the public, please email bhd.grants@wyo.gov.
Meeting dates and times are updated and subjected to change on the ‘Upcoming Meetings’ page.
Previous meeting minutes and recordings can be found on the ‘Previous Meetings’ page.
Behavioral Health Advisory Council’s Meeting Minutes
Please view the BHAC Member Website linked above for recorded meetings.