- QSO: 19-01-AO/CLIA– FY 2018 Report to Congress (RTC): Review of Medicare’s Program Oversight of Accrediting Organizations (Aos) and the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) Validation Program
- QSO: 19-02-NH– Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) Policy Manual Updates, Notification to States and New Minimum Data Set (MDS) Census Reports
- QSO: 19-03-Hospice– Extension of the Designation of the Current Nursing Shortage as an “Extraordinary Circumstance” per 42 CFR 418.64 Core Services
- QSO: 19-04-NH/HHA/CLIA– Notice of Final Rule Adjusting Civil Monetary Penalties (CMPs) for Inflation
- QSO: 19-05-Transplant– Survey and Approval of Pancreas and Intestine Transplant Centers
- QSO: 19-06-ALL– Emergency Preparedness- Updates to Appendix Z of the State Operations Manual (SOM)
- QSO: 19-07-NH– Enhanced Oversight and Enforcement of Non-Improving Late Adopters
- QSO: 19-08-NH– April 2019 Improvements to Nursing Home Compare and the Five Star Rating System
- QSO: 19-09-ALL– Revision to Appendix Q, Guidance on Immediate Jeopardy
- QSO: 19-10-NH– Specialized Infection Prevention and Control Training for Nursing Home Staff in the Long-Term Care Setting is Now Available
- QSO: 19-11-Transplant– Transplant Program Survey Activity Transition
- QSO: 19-12-Hospitals– DRAFT ONLY- Clarification of Ligature Risk Interpretive Guidelines- FOR ACTION
- QSO: 19-13-Hospitals– DRAFT ONLY- Guidance for Hospital Co-location with Other Hospitals or Healthcare Facilities
- QSO: 19-14-Hospitals, CAHs– State Operations Manual (SOM) Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) and Death Associated With Restraint or Seclusion Complaint Investigation Timeline Revisions
- QSO: 19-15-EMTALA– Frequently Asked Questions on the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) and Psychiatric Hospitals
- QSO-19-16-CAH-Critical Access Hospital (CAHs) Adding a Provider-based Location
- QSO-19-17-AO-CLIA-FY 2018 Report to Congress (RTC): Review of Medicare’s Program Oversight of Accrediting Organizations (AOs) and the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) Validation Program
- QSO: 19-18-RHC– Revised Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Guidance Updating Emergency Medicine Availability- State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix G- Advanced Copy
- QSO: 19-19-NH– Updates to Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Resource Materials
- QSO: 19-20-CLIA– Revisions to State Operations Manual (SOM), Chapter 6- Special Procedures for LAboratories

Healthcare Licensing and Surveys
Healthcare Licensing and Surveys (HLS) assures that residents and patients receive quality care from healthcare facilities required to be licensed by the State of Wyoming. HLS also promotes health and safety through on-site inspections and complaint investigations.
Contact Info:
2300 Capitol Avenue, Suite 510
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-7123
Fax: (307) 777-7127