Everyone needs a helping hand…
Did you know – all of our individual environments influence our health? It’s true. Staying healthy takes more than seeing your doctor regularly. In order to stay healthy we need safe housing, access to food, transportation, child care, mental health care, and more!
There might be resources available to you if you have unmet needs. WYhealth encourages you to take this short survey to see what you might qualify for!
Based on your survey answers, we will suggest resources to help get you connected to the services you may need.
Take the Helping Hand Survey to see what resources you might qualify for!
Call Wyoming Medicaid’s 24/7 Nurse Advice Line!
If you get sick you might wonder about whether to go to the emergency room, a walk-in clinic, or wait and schedule an appointment with your doctor – don’t worry! Our 24/7 Nurse Line will help you in these situations. Please call toll-free 888-545-1710 (Press #2) to speak to a nurse. Nurses can answer health questions you have, give you information to help you make health decisions, and help you understand any medications you’re taking. This is a benefit for Wyoming Medicaid members only – please have your Medicaid ID number ready when you call.
If you think you have a medical emergency, immediately dial 911.
Food Assistance
The Wyoming Department of Family Services lists multiple programs you might be eligible for if you have trouble affording food. Visit the Wyoming Department of Family Services website for more information on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Cent$ible Nutrition Program, and Emergency Food and Commodity Assistance or contact Wyoming 2-1-1.
Cooking and Nutrition Classes
If you’d like FREE cooking and nutrition classes to help you stretch your money and eat more fruits and veggies, contact the Cent$ible Nutrition Program at cnp-info@uwyo.edu – OR – call 307-766-5357
Physical Abuse
If someone is intentionally causing you bodily harm, injury, or trauma – if you’re experiencing physical abuse, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 AND Contact WYhealth at 888-545-1710, press option 4.
Emotional Abuse
If someone is mentally or emotionally abusing you, controlling you, scaring, humiliating, isolating, ignoring you, or hurting you, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 – AND – Wyoming 2-1-1 by calling 888-425-7138 – AND – Contact WYhealth at 888-545-1710, press option 4.
Housing Assistance
If you are worried about your housing, please visit the Wyoming Department of Family Services website to find assistance programs.
Electricity or Heat Assistance
If you’ve had trouble getting access to electricity or heat services, the Wyoming Department of Family Services may be able to help. The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) may be able to help you cover your winter home heating bills or provide assistance with energy-related emergencies, such as utility shut-offs, deposits, and heat losses due to broken furnaces. Call 800-246-4221 – OR – visiting the LIEAP website to see if you qualify.
Substance Abuse
Using substances like drugs and alcohol can hurt your ability to care for any children you have, affect your ability to be the best version of yourself, and can cause physical health problems as well as hurt your ability to meet your responsibilities at work, school, and home. Individuals will often keep using drugs and alcohol even if it’s causing problems in their life – in the short term, these substances make us feel good or cover pain, but hurt us big time in the long run.
A substance use treatment provider is a professional trained to help those using drugs and alcohol and can also help treat root causes of substance use. There are Community Substance Use Treatment Providers available to you, regardless of your ability to pay. These are the professionals who can help you to end dependence on drugs, alcohol, and other substances.
If you take medicine other than what’s prescribed to you to help you relax of change your mood, you’re self-medicating with drugs not prescribed to you, taking recreational drugs, or abusing alcohol please contact Wyoming 2-1-1 by calling 888-425-7138 – AND – Contact WYhealth at 888-545-1710, press option 4.
Clothing Assistance
If you need clothing, winter wear, or footwear contact Wyoming 2-1-1 by calling 888-425-7138.
FREE – Wyoming Hand in Hand Program
Wyoming Hand in Hand is sponsored through the Public Health Division as a home visitation program where a nurse comes to your home and visits with you about your pregnancy and then after delivery – how things are going after bringing Baby home. The nurse will support you and your family through Baby’s 2nd birthday! The goal of the program is to help Wyoming families raise healthy babies in a healthy home!
The nurse will help you with understanding Baby to promote bonding and attachment and work through healthy topics like: nutrition, social support, and physical activity for you and Baby. The program can help you develop a budget, support you to solve problems that come up in your life, screen you for postpartum depression, and intimate partner harm in order to connect you with additional support and resources that you may need.
You can visit the Wyoming Hand in Hand website for more information. Or, if you know you’re ready to be a part of the FREE program, please complete the referral questions, and Wyoming Hand in Hand will reach out to you!
Receive Help Paying for Child Care
The Wyoming Department of Family Services has a child care assistance program that might be helpful for you. There is Child Care Financial Assistance in Wyoming that can provide assistance to pay for the cost of child care when the parent(s) are working or in school or training. The parent(s)’s income is taken into consideration and the parent(s) may be responsible for paying for part of the cost of care.
Phone Assistance
The Lifeline Program is a federal discount program that lowers the monthly cost of phone service. The program is open to anyone enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP, LIEAP, Supplemental Security Income, or Federal Public Housing Assistance. The phone company in your area can give you details on how you can benefit. Please visit the Lifeline webpage for more information and get signed up.
Please note: An individual may receive both Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Program benefits.
Internet Assistance
The Affordable Connectivity Program is a federal discount program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. The program is open to anyone enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, and more. The internet company in your area can give you details on how you can benefit. Please visit the Affordable Connectivity Program website for more information and get signed up.
Please note: An individual may receive both Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Program benefits.
Work and Job Training Assistance
If you’d like assistance finding work, please contact the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services website. For job training assistance, please contact the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services website.
Assistance with Veteran Benefits
If you’d like to talk with someone about veteran benefits (VA benefits, resources, or anything veteran related) contact the Wyoming Military Department at: mil-wyo-vets@wyo.gov.
Transportation Assistance
If you need transportation assistance for medical appointments, please visit the Wyoming Department of Health for more information.
Assistance to Alleviate Stress
If you’re stressed and feeling tense, nervous, anxious, or can’t sleep at night, please contact Wyoming 2-1-1 by calling 888-425-7138 – AND – Contact WYhealth at 888-545-1710, press option 4.
Tobacco Cessation Assistance
Everyone in Wyoming has access to the Wyoming Quit Tobacco Program called Quit Wyoming. It offers Wyoming residents free access to online quit tools, support from other tobacco users who are trying to quit, and other info to help you quit tobacco for good. If you’d like assistance in quitting tobacco products, please call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).
COVID-19 Vaccine Assistance
If you need assistance to get your COVID-19 vaccine, please contact WYhealth at 888-545-1710, press option 4.
Flu Vaccine Assistance
If you need assistance to get your flu vaccine, please contact WYhealth at 888-545-1710, press option 4.
Assistance Finding a Primary Care Physician
If you need to find a primary care physician in your area for routine care, preventive care, or coordination of care, please use this “Provider Locator” tool to find a provider in your area.
Prescription Assistance
If you have problems affording your medication, please contact the Wyoming Department of Health and request assistance by filling out the online form (it’s quick and easy, I promise!).
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This page was last updated on July 15, 2024.