Wyoming Comprehensive Care and Prevention Planning Alliance (CAPPA) is the statewide community planning group for HIV, hepatitis B & C, and sexually transmitted infections (STI) in Wyoming. Community planning is a critical process by which the health department works in partnership with the community and key stakeholders to enhance access to HIV, hepatitis, and STI prevention, care, and treatment services for high risk populations. CAPPA members can also advocate for consistent access to care and treatment across Wyoming.
Attendance and Membership
- You do not have to be a member to attend CAPPA, meetings are open to the public.
- CAPPA meets three to four times a year, in various locations around Wyoming and through video conferencing.
- Meetings typically begin Friday afternoon and continue all day Saturday.
- Expenses (food, lodging, mileage) associated with attendance at CAPPA meetings can be reimbursed for those who travel and attend CAPPA meetings.
- For questions regarding reimbursement and funding for travel to attend CAPPA meetings please email cdu.supplies@wyo.gov
- We recommend attending at least one CAPPA meeting prior to applying for CAPPA membership
- Voting members represent both lived experience and stakeholder populations. Please see our CAPPA Membership Grid, which outlines the positions within CAPPA.
- Members have voting privileges
- Voting members serve on at least one, but no more than two CAPPA committees
- Membership
- Advocacy
- Red Ribbon
- Comprehensive Plan & Evaluation (CP&E)
- Applications for membership are accepted throughout the year and reviewed quarterly
Upcoming Meetings
2025 Dates
Learn More About CAPPA
CAPPA is supported through cooperative agreements with the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the Wyoming Department of Health.
The core objectives of community planning are:
- Bring together a diverse group of individuals concerned about HIV, hepatitis B & C, and STIs in the state of Wyoming
- Include members who are representative of various populations living with or at increased risk for HIV, hepatitis B & C and STIs
- Develop a Comprehensive Plan detailing Wyoming’s approaches to the care and prevention of HIV, hepatitis B & C and STIs
- Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, barriers, and gaps in prevention and care service delivery in Wyoming
- Prioritize prevention interventions based on need, effectiveness, cost, theory, and community norms and values
- Advocate for consistent access to care and treatment across Wyoming
Mission Statement
The mission of the Wyoming Comprehensive Care and Prevention Planning Alliance (CAPPA) is to develop, evaluate and modify a Comprehensive Plan that effectively addresses the care and prevention needs of high-risk populations as well as individuals living with or affected by HIV, hepatitis B & C and STIs in Wyoming.
CAPPA's Purpose
CAPPA exists as a core component of both the HIV Prevention Program, as required by CDC and the HIV care and treatment public advisory planning for Ryan White Programs and the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) as required by HRSA.