2023 Guidance Long Term Care & Residential Facilities Guidance: This document from the WDH TB program is meant to be used as bare minimum guidance, not as a regulation or formal testing protocol. In Wyoming, regulation of healthcare entities falls under the jurisdiction of Wyoming Healthcare Licensing and Surveys (WY HLS). The WDH TB program encourages facilities to review internal (facility, company), state (WY HLS), and certification (such as JCAHO) policies related to TB testing of residents and follow the most stringent guidance. If none of these entities address TB testing of residents, the facility may establish one based their needs (i.e. apply CDC testing guidance for healthcare provider as to residents if your facility feels it is appropriate.)
Targeted Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Guidelines
Risk Assessment – Facility: Data is available on the CDU Surveillance Program and Statistics webpage. The WDH TB Program Facility Risk Assessment is a guide that provides a baseline recommendation for TB testing in a facility and is based on the type of facility and TB data. In Wyoming, regulation of healthcare entities falls under the jurisdiction of Wyoming Healthcare Licensing and Surveys (WY HLS). The WDH TB program encourages facilities to review internal (facility, company), state (WY HLS), and certification (such as JCAHO) policies related to TB testing of residents and follow the most stringent guidance.
Risk Assessment – Patient
TB Skin Test Not Indicated – Letter