If you or someone you know is living with HIV and would like to enroll in the program or simply need more information, please feel free to contact any public health nursing office in Wyoming.
Wyoming Case Management Listing
The Wyoming Department of Health’s Communicable Disease Treatment Program provides persons living with HIV access to comprehensive health care and other supportive services. These programs serve as the payer of last resort for persons who are uninsured, underinsured, or otherwise unable to access medical treatment. Funding for these programs is provided, in part, by grants from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration, and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some of the available services provided by the programs include:
- HIV Medical Care
- Laboratory and Diagnostic Services
- Medications
- Dental Care Services
- Vision Care Services
- Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
- Nutritional Services
- Case Management Services
- Insurance Premium Assistance
- Insurance Deductibles and Copays/Coinsurance Assistance
- Transportation Assistance
- Rental Assistance
- Rent and Utility Deposits
- Past Due Utilities
- Past Due Rent or Mortgage
- Transportation Assistance
In order to be eligible for assistance, an individual must meet all three of the following requirements.
1. Must be living with HIV.
2. Must be a resident of the state of Wyoming.
3. Must have a valid photo ID.