Whether you have just had a baby or are pregnant, it is important to take care of yourself. Eating well is one of the best ways you can help yourself and those who depend on you. What you eat makes a big difference in the way you look and feel. Here are some tips for healthy eating.
- Eat a variety of foods.
- Balance the food you eat with physical activity.
- Maintain a healthy body weight.
- Choose a diet with plenty of whole-grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
- Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
- Choose a diet moderate in sugars.
- Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
For additional information, check out the following websites:
Wyoming WIC Nutrition Education Resources
MyPlate for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women
Eating for Adults & Families
Cent$ible Nutrition
From the day babies are born, they know how much breast milk or formula they need
to grow and develop. Infants under six months only need breast milk or formula.
Click on the button below to learn how to safely switch your baby’s formula.
Safely Switch Formula
Cambiar Fórmulas
After they turn six months and are:
- able to hold their head steady, sit with little support
- show they want food by opening their mouth to take food from spoon
- and stop pushing their tongue out when lips are touched
They are ready to begin spoon feeding and eating solids in addition to breast milk or formula.
Once your baby has started eating solid foods, giving a single new food at a time will help you know if any foods cause problems.
It is recommended that cow’s milk and honey not be given to infants under the age of 12 months, as they can cause serious issues for a baby. Talk with your baby’s doctor about introducing foods if you have a family history of allergies.
It is recommended that you stop using bottles for feeding when babies hit their first birthday.
If you have questions about your child’s eating, a WIC nutritionist can help!
Contact your Local WIC Clinic to Schedule an Appointment
For more information, check our the following websites:
Wyoming WIC Nutrition Education Resources
Infant Food & Feeding
Child Feeding Ages & Stages
Children who listen to their hunger and fullness cues are:
- more likely to stop eating when they are full
- less likely to become overweight.
It is best to encourage your child to eat until they are full rather than encouraging them to clean their plate. Try phrases like:
- “Is your belly telling you that you are full?”
- “Is your tummy still making hungry growling noise?”
- “Has your belly had enough?”
For additional information, check out the following websites:
Wyoming WIC Nutrition Education Resources
My Plate for Preschoolers
How to Feed Children
Cent$ible Nutrition Program