Christia Martens, Healthcare Preparedness Manager
The mission of Wyoming’s Healthcare Preparedness Program (HPP) is to enhance community and healthcare preparedness, improve medical surge capacity, and support healthcare organizations during emergency response and recovery through regional healthcare coalitions.
After the events of 2001, the Wyoming Department of Health has received funding to help prepare hospitals for disaster response. Since then, the program has expanded to include the larger medical community, including emergency medical services, long term care facilities, community clinics, hospice and home care. The HPP works closely with our public and private partners, including WDH’s Public Health Preparedness and Response Unit and local Emergency Managers.
Each of the five regional Healthcare Coalitions (HCC) receive funding to improve disaster planning, response, mitigation and recovery. Each HCC determines how best to spend its funds to improve the preparedness of its medical community. During times of crisis, the HCCs help coordinate emergency medical response and care of the sick and injured.
Healthcare CoalitionReadiness and Response Coordinators
Region 1 | Vacant | | |
Central Wyoming | Kaleigh Good | | |
Southeastern Wyoming | Kori Bechtle | | |
Western Wyoming | Mike Fleming | | |
Big Horn Basin | Dr. Elise Lowe | | |
Healthcare Preparedness Resources
Volunteer Registry
Wyoming Activation of Volunteers in Emergencies (WAVE) System is Wyoming’s Emergency System for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) System. ESAR-VHP is a national network of state-based programs that allows volunteers to register prior to an event. This allows volunteer managers to verify identity, licenses, and credentials before an incident happens.
EMResource Login:
Hospital Available Beds for Emergencies and Disasters (HAvBED) is a web-based program where hospitals and EMS agencies can provide and receive information on hospital bed and ambulance availability.
Wyoming Information Sharing Platform (WISP):
Contact Us:
Christia Martens, MPA
Healthcare Preparedness Program Coordinator
Office: (307) 777-3969