The Wyoming Advisory Council on Aging, organized by W.S. 9-2-1206 and required by Section 306 (6)(D) of the Older Americans Act, operates in an official capacity and serves to provide advice, counsel and directives on current issues as they relate to the Aging Division of the Wyoming Department of Health and Wyoming’s Older Adults.
Wyoming Statute 9-2-1206. State advisory council; appointment; composition; term; representation; removal.
(a) The department advisory council on aging appointed pursuant to the “Older Americans Act”, P.L. 89-73, is established as the state advisory council to a designated division on aging. Each member serving on the council as of April 1, 1991 shall continue to serve until the normal expiration of his term and any member is eligible for reappointment.
(b) The council shall consist of ten (10) members appointed by the director for terms of four (4) years. There shall be one (1) member of the advisory council from each appointment district and one (1) member each representing the pioneer home, the veteran’s home and the Wyoming retirement center. All appointments shall be for a four (4) year term. The director may remove any member as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
(c)The term of any member appointed after July 1, 1981 shall expire on March 1 during the year of regular expiration.
(d) Representation on the council shall be in accordance with the “Older Americans Act”, P.L. 89-73.
9-2-1207. State advisory council; officers; meetings; quorum; records; expenses; duties.
(a) The council shall elect each year from its members a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary.
(b) The council shall meet quarterly and at any other time the chairman may direct or upon request of a majority of the council members.
(c) Six (6) members of the council constitute a quorum for the transaction of council business.
(d) Written records shall be kept of all council proceedings.
(e) Council members shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of council duties in the manner and amount provided to state employees.
(f) In addition to any other duties prescribed by law the advisory council on aging shall advise the division on aging on long term care issues including, but not limited to, assisted living, adult day care, boarding homes, home health agencies, hospice care, hospital care, nursing care, personal care and other issues that may face the aging.
Public Law 109-365 - Older Americans Act, Section 306 (6)(D)
Establish an advisory council consisting of older individuals (including minority individuals and older individuals residing in rural areas) who are participants or who are eligible to participate in programs assisted under this Act, family caregivers of such individuals, representatives of older individuals, service providers, representatives of the business community, local elected officials, providers of veterans’ health care (if appropriate), and the general public, to advise continuously the area agency on aging on all matters relating to the development of the area plan, the administration of the plan and operations conducted under the plan.
* Wyoming is a single planning and service area (Single PSA) state, therefore the Aging Division also serves as the Area Agency on Aging.
To access a list of all Advisory Council Members: Click here
Duties of Members of the Wyoming Advisory Council on Aging
o Assisting with the Development of the State Plan, as required by the Older Americans Act
o Assisting with the Administration of the State Plan, as required by the Older Americans Act
o Assisting with the operations of the State Plan as they relate to the State Unit on Aging, as required by the Older Americans Act
o Advising the Aging Division regarding issues relating to Wyoming’s Aging Adults, access to services, provider issues, needs, challenges, etc. This is an official capacity required by statute.
o Contacting local Aging Network providers on a regular basis to discuss issues, needs, and concerns. Council members contact providers with information. Ask for feedback or questions. Council members relay meeting information, in writing, to providers.
o Compiling an area report for each council meeting that addresses issues, services, needs, and successes in that Advisory Council Members representative area
o Attending Advisory Council Meetings four times per year
o Adhering to Advisory Council rules, policies, and by-laws
o Adhering to the dictates of Wyoming Statute 9-2-1206
o Adhering to the dictates of Public Law 109-365, The Older Americans Act, Section 306
o Provides information on Aging Division programs to providers, lawmakers, and the public
o Attends training sessions
o Participates in other Aging Division activities, including but not limited to, the Wyoming Conference on Aging and activities relating to Older Americans Month
o Advocates on behalf of the Aging Division
o Advocates on behalf of Wyoming’s Older Adults
o Understands the needs of Wyoming’s Older Adults
o Maintains an evolving knowledge of issues relating to Wyoming’s Older Adults
o Maintains a high level of confidentiality on issues relating to personnel, legal matters, or other operational issues affecting the Aging Division