***These pages are under construction, watch for on-going revisions***
The Alcohol Section of the Chemical Testing Laboratory of the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory operates under the authority of Wyoming State Statute 31-6-105(a) in regard to implementing Wyoming’s Implied Consent statute.
Submittal Policies
The Chemical Testing Program (CTP) WILL NOT ACCEPT OR ANALYZE any samples submitted for employment screening.
Samples will be accepted from the following agencies:
1. All federal, state, county, and municipal law enforcement agencies.
2. Other Wyoming state Agencies including, but not limited to, the Department of Corrections, Department of Family Services, Wyoming Boards of Nursing, Pharmacy, and Medicine.
3. All county coroner’s offices.
4. Other juvenile and adult probation and treatment programs with Public Health Laboratory approval.
Specimen Collection and Shipping
Specimen kits for submitting samples can be obtained by contacting the Chemical Testing Program at (307) 777-7868. Samples should be submitted in kits prepared and provided by this laboratory.
Samples should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection. Samples should not be exposed to temperature extremes, especially heat, as it may affect sample integrity and cause the sample to be unsuitable for testing.
It is not necessary for samples to be refrigerated prior to submittal, but samples should be transported as soon as possible after collection.
Samples may be delivered to the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory by hand (normal business hours M-F, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM), U.S. Postal Service, UPS, or other type of carrier. The submitting agency must place adequate postage or shipping on samples.
Reporting Procedures and Interpretation
Written reports are sent on test results for all samples received by this section of the laboratory. If testing is not performed on a sample submitted to the Chemical Testing Program, written notification indicating why no analysis was performed will be sent. Reports are sent to the submitter or agency designee as indicated in the information provided on submittal forms. Results by phone will be provided only to the submitting agency or agency designee, or as required by statute. Release of results to any other person(s) requires prior permission of the submitting agency.
On samples submitted for alcohol analysis, test results are mailed an average of 10 business days following sample receipt.
Every effort is made to ensure that the method of reporting results is self explanatory. If there is any question regarding results of analysis, please contact the Chemical Testing Program at (307) 777-7868.
Sample Retention
Samples from all law enforcement agencies, coroners’ offices and any sample giving a positive result (regardless of submitting agency), are retained in locked refrigerated evidence storage for at least one year.
Samples from state and county probation offices, Department of Family Services, treatment centers, etc., having negative results are disposed of approximately 2 weeks following the report date.
Alcohol Breath Testing
In addition to the analytical services provided in the laboratory, the Alcohol Section of the Chemical Testing Program is responsible for the certification and maintenance of breath testing instrumentation, procedures, and breath test operators statewide. Law enforcement agencies wishing to train officers in this regard must contact the Chemical Testing Program office to schedule courses and obtain training materials.
Chemical Testing Program staff also provide training through the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy and to individual agencies. Staff members are subpoenaed to testify in court statewide as expert witnesses regarding the analyses performed, scientific foundation of procedures and physiological effects of the substances tested for.
Alcohol Analysis
Urine – sample submitted pursuant to DUI charges should b e collected in a gray top tube which contains an appropriate preservative such as a minimum of 0.1% sodium fluoride. Urine samples needing alcohol analysis for other purposes (P & P, DFS, work release, etc.) may be collected in the urine drug kit containing no preservatives.
Urine – both gray top vacutainers should be used, 2 separate samples collected approximately 30 minutes apart. Minimum sample requirement is 2 ml in each tube.
Method of Analysis: Gas Chromatography