Heart Disease and Stroke
Hypertension Control Change Package for Clinicians
Click here to find information about how to modify clinical processes to improve outcomes in hypertension control.
Hypertension Prevalence Estimator Tool
Use this tool to estimate rates of undiagnosed hypertension among your patient population.
Certified Diabetes Educators
Wyoming Department of Health-contracted Certified Diabetes Educators provide training to medical providers and community health workers about prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension. These free trainings help providers and communities identify and reduce costly chronic diseases. To find out how to book a training for your practice or workplace, please email audrianna.marzette@wyo.gov
Diabetes Educators: Supporting You, Empowering Your Patients
Learn more about the benefits of referring your patients diagnosed with diabetes to a Diabetes Self-Management Education program in your area.
Find a Diabetes Educator in Your Area
Search for Diabetes Self-Management Programs in your area to help refer patients diagnosed with diabetes.
Become an ADA recognized DSME site
Learn the steps to earn ADA recognition here.
Diabetes Prevention Programs
Use this STAT toolkit to guide your patients to a CDC recognized Diabetes Prevention Program.
Make the Business Case for Investing in a Diabetes Prevention Program
Learn the health, economic, and mortality burden of diabetes with the Diabetes State Burden Toolkit. Project the health and economic benefits of a diabetes prevention program on a given population at risk for diabetes with the Diabetes Prevention Impact Toolkit.
Start a Diabetes Prevention Program in Your Area
Click here to learn more about becoming or starting a CDC recognized DPP in your area.
The WDH CDPP allows eligible adults to participate in the National Diabetes Prevention Program at no cost. Learn more at https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prevention/index.html
Cowboy Up to Prevent!
“Cowboy Up to Prevent” is a new campaign offered by the WDH Chronic Disease Prevention Program (CDPP). Free prediabetes awareness materials are available for healthcare professionals and funding is available for organizations interested in evidence-based diabetes and hypertension prevention and self‐management programs. Designed for adults, the programs help people gain the confidence and motivation they need to take care of their health, as well as learn new skills to prevent diabetes or better manage their chronic health conditions. Programs are offered around the state by trained experts in either community and/or medical settings.
For more information on requesting free prediabetes awareness materials, please contact our Prevention Specialists Kacie Hutton at kacie.hutton1@wyo.gov or Amber Smith at amber.smith@wyo.gov. You can also call 307-777-7356 or 307-777-6011.
Or click to fill out the Google Request Form. https://forms.gle/GQ5dtDL1zPt8vZLAA