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Preventing cervical cancer is possible. As a woman, getting regular screenings starting at age 21 is key to prevention. Talk with your doctor about how often to get screened. To see if you’re eligible for a free cervical cancer screening, visit For more cancer resources in Wyoming, contact the Wyoming Cancer Resource Services at 1.833.660.2004. Brought to you by the Wyoming Department of Health.
American Indians and Alaska Natives are three times more likely to die of cervical cancer than members of all other races in the United States combined. Preventing cervical cancer is possible. As a woman, getting regular screenings starting at age 21 is key to prevention. Talk with your doctor about how often to get screened. To see if you’re eligible for a free cervical cancer screening, visit For more cancer resources in Wyoming, contact the Wyoming Cancer Resource Services at 1.833.660.2004. Brought to you by the Wyoming Department of Health.