WIC Program Updates Income Guidelines
July 16, 2020

The Wyoming WIC Program, which is operated by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) and offers nutritious food items and other benefits to many Wyoming families, has recently updated its qualifying income guidelines.
The Wyoming WIC Program is also known as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children Program. It’s a joint federal and state government effort under the USDA that provides nutritious foods and education, breastfeeding support and healthcare referrals for income-eligible women who are pregnant or postpartum, infants and children up to age 5. All caregivers are welcome to receive help from the program including dads, foster parents, guardians, grandparents and step-parents.
“For families who participate in WIC, we offer healthy food as well as shopping ideas,” said Melissa Stehwien, WIC program manager with WDH. “The support we can provide for new moms and families with young children can promote healthier starts.”
Wyoming WIC serves people with incomes up to 185 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines. Recently updated income guidelines for the program include:
1 person family -$23,606/year or $1,968/month
2 person family -$31,894/year or $2,658/month
3 person family -$40,182/year or $3,349/month
4 person family -$48,470/year or $4,040/month
5 person family -$56,758/year or $4,730/month
Families using SNAP, TANF or Wyoming Medicaid benefits also qualify for WIC. There is no limit to the number of eligible participants WIC can serve.
Stehwien said all of the program’s Wyoming locations are currently issuing benefits to new and existing participants and have made accommodations to follow physical distancing guidelines and other recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our goal during COVID-19 is to reach and to safely continue serving as many participants as possible who need our service,” she said.
WIC clinics are located throughout the state and can be found by using the “Clinic Locator” online at https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/wic/ or by calling 1-888-996-9378 to be routed to a local clinic.