Residents Invited to Enter Rural Health Photo Contest
October 28, 2021
Wyoming residents are invited to share and display little pieces of life in their state by entering photos in this year’s Wyoming National Rural Health Day Photo Contest, which is sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Health Office of Rural Health.
Photos will be judged by Office of Rural and Frontier Health staff on creativity, originality, photo quality and how well the images communicate the concept of rural health and overall appeal.
Prizes will be awarded in two categories: “People, Places and Things” and “Landscape and Wildlife.” First place winners in each category will receive $125 gift cards, with $75 gift cards for second place winners.
Winning photos may be used to create thank you cards for healthcare providers across the state or in other department publications.
To enter, send a high-resolution version of the photo in a .jpeg, .gif, or .tif file format by email to Include name, email address, phone number and a caption. The deadline for entries to be received is 11:59 p.m. on November 11.
Other important notes:
- Images must be royalty-free.
- Submitting a photo is acknowledgement of the right and permission of the owner of the photo to use it for the contest.
- Submitting a photo includes agreement to the terms of use found online at
- Photos must be current (no historical photos).
More information about the contest is available by emailing