Registration Encouraged for Suicide Prevention Symposium
September 6, 2022

The Wyoming Department of Health is inviting teachers, law enforcement representatives, clinicians, loss survivors, community members and other stakeholders to attend the 2022 Wyoming Suicide Prevention Symposium in Cheyenne later this month.
The free two-day event begins at 8 a.m. on September 26 at the Little America Resort in Cheyenne.
“Unfortunately, Wyoming consistently has had one of the nation’s highest suicide rates,” said Cathy Hoover, Injury and Violence Prevention Program manager with WDH. “While the numbers are attention-getting and sobering, we know these numbers aren’t just statistics. They represent loved ones, teachers, co-workers, friends and children. It is nearly impossible to find someone in Wyoming who hasn’t been affected by suicide.”
Hoover said the symposium is an opportunity to examine what can be done to better help our communities in the fight against suicide. The two-day agenda will allow attendees to discuss current trends, substance use, suicide loss and the future of prevention.
“We’re going to have great presentations from experts coming from across Wyoming and the nation,” she said. Planned topics include veteran suicide, destigmatization, transforming loss into action, marijuana and suicidal ideation and lethal means safety.
Free suicide prevention training, known as Question Persuade Refer (QPR), will be available. Information will also be available about the new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number.
Registration and more information can be found at:
Anyone needing special accommodations to attend the symposium is asked to contact the Injury and Violence Prevention Program at (307) 777-2923 seven days prior to the meeting to describe their needs.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger of harming themselves, please call 911. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text “WYO” to 741-741 for the Crisis Text Line.