Wyoming Medicaid Renewals Continue Across State

Wyoming Medicaid’s renewal process, which was restarted earlier this year to review client eligibility, has reached a key stage, according to the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH). Medicaid is a joint federal-state insurance program that pays for the medical and long-term care of qualified low-income and medically needy individuals...

Public Input Sought for Wyoming Long-Term Care Option

The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) invites public input on a proposal meant to save state and federal dollars while also preventing or delaying nursing home stays for certain older Wyoming residents. The department is making what’s known as a Medicaid “waiver” application to the federal government. The word...

Plague Recently Confirmed in a Wyoming Pet

Laboratory testing completed last week has recently confirmed plague in a Fremont County cat, according to the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH). The Lander-area cat is an indoor-outdoor pet, known to hunt rodents, and is being treated. While no human illnesses are associated with the current Fremont County situation,...

“Waiver” Programs Part of Wyoming Medicaid Renewals

The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is reminding participants, family members, providers and case managers the state’s efforts serving vulnerable groups through “waiver” programs are part of Wyoming Medicaid, which recently restarted its annual renewal process. Medicaid is a joint federal-state insurance program that pays for the medical and...

Could Your Family Benefit from Wyoming’s WIC Program?

The Wyoming WIC Program, operated by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), helps many Wyoming families with free nutritious foods and education, breastfeeding support and healthcare referrals. The Wyoming WIC Program serves women who are pregnant or new moms, infants and children up to age 5. WIC features free,...