Wyoming Cancer Survivors Asked to Complete Survey

December 13, 2021

Wyoming Cancer Survivors Asked to Complete Survey

To learn more about the needs of Wyoming residents affected by cancer, the Wyoming Cancer Coalition (WYCC) is encouraging participation in a survey about their needs during and after cancer treatment.

“This survey is meant to help gather a better recognition of the needs of our state’s cancer survivors,” said Star Jones, Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention Unit manager with the Wyoming Department of Health. “We hope to learn how we might better serve people dealing with cancer in the future.”

Jones said the purpose is to gather information from people who have recently gone through a cancer diagnosis and/or treatment to help identify gaps in cancer services as part of a statewide needs assessment.

Adults over 18 who have received a cancer diagnosis in the past six years, regardless of whether treatment is complete, are specifically invited to respond to the survey.

The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete and asks about the physical, emotional and practical needs individuals had since their cancer diagnosis.

The survey is posted on the WYCC website at https://wyomingcancercoalition.org/survivorship-survey.