Welcome to the Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program’s home on the web. The Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program (WCSP) is a statewide population-based cancer registry. Our mission is to maintain a nationally comparable population-based cancer incidence, follow-up, treatment and mortality monitoring system that collects, analyzes and disseminates information on all new cancer cases in Wyoming. It is our ultimate goal to provide high quality cancer data that will contribute to the improvement of diagnoses, treatment, and survival of all cancer patients.
In operation since 1966, the WCSP has been collecting cancer data on all cancer cases diagnosed or treated in Wyoming since 1962. The WCSP monitors cancer incidence through pathology reports and uniform reporting of information by health care providers in Wyoming. In 1977, a law was passed requiring reporting by all entities detecting, diagnosing and treating cancer cases in Wyoming (statute 35-1-240[b] and public law 102-515).
In 1995, the WCSP became member of the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR). The NPCR was established by Congress through the Cancer Registries Amendment Act in 1992, and administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the NPCR collects data on the occurrence of cancer; the type, extent, and location of the cancer; and the type of initial treatment. The CDC provides funding for states to implement and enhance existing registries to meet national standards for completeness, timeliness and data quality. The WCSP continually meets the standards for CDC submission of cancer data. Meeting this standard assures that Wyoming’s data is included in national cancer statistics. In addition to the data submission standard, the WCSP successfully meets all other standards of the NPCR.
In 1987, the first employee of the WCSP became a member of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). NAACCR is a professional organization that develops and promotes uniform data standards for cancer registration; provides education and training.