App Boosts Wellness Tracking for Wyoming Families
September 16, 2019
A free, customized mobile phone app offered by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) can boost Wyoming family wellness by offering useful health tools and tracking resources.
“My 307 Wellness” is an interactive app with reliable, credible health information and tailored details and connections to Wyoming resources.
“There’s a lot of information out there about health topics and some of it is, frankly, questionable. We want ‘My 307 Wellness’ to be a resource Wyoming residents can trust,” said Angie Van Houten, Community Health Section chief with WDH.
Van Houten said the app’s tools help users navigate and track unique health milestones and needs for themselves and for family members of all ages.
The app can be downloaded by searching “My 307 Wellness” in either the Apple or Google app store or by texting WELLNESS to 833-915-3307 for a link.
The “My 307 Wellness” app’s content and features include:
- Profiles for every family member
- Health and developmental milestones by age, including screenings
- Vaccination tracker, plus weight and height trackers
- Click-to-call function for direct access to users’ health teams and local health resources
- Feeding, diaper and growth trackers for young family members
- Information on free, local developmental screenings
“Pregnant woman have unique needs and questions related to their health and their babies,” Van Houten said. Specialized app options connected with pregnancy include:
- Personalized daily and weekly pregnancy tips and milestones
- Health trackers for weight gain and baby kick counter
- Symptoms and issues information
- “Baby Boost” meditation feature for relaxation
“My 307 Wellness” is supported by WDH programs, partners and contractors including Wyoming Cancer Program; Women, Infants and Children Unit; Maternal and Child Health Unit; Early Intervention and Education Program; Children’s Trust Fund; Wyoming Medicaid and WYhealth.
The department partnered with Wildflower Health, a healthcare technology company, to develop the app. For more information about Wildflower Health, visit