Another Scam Targets Wyoming Medicaid Clients
February 16, 2024

After hearing of another attempted scam targeted at Wyoming Medicaid clients, the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is warning residents to be cautious with unexpected callers.
“As an example, a client reported receiving a call from someone claiming to be from a department program that doesn’t actually exist. The caller was pushing medical equipment and aggressively asking for personal information,” said Lee Grossman, state Medicaid agent and Division of Healthcare Financing senior administrator with WDH.
While WDH and legitimate department contractors from time to time do make calls or send text messages to clients or other Wyoming residents with important information or for valid surveys, these do not do not seek money or ask for Medicaid or department identification numbers or social security numbers. WDH does not try to sell equipment or services to clients or other residents.
No one should share banking or credit card information with anyone who calls claiming to be from Wyoming Medicaid or the Wyoming Department of Health.
“If someone claiming to represent Wyoming Medicaid or another Wyoming Department of Health program pushes for money and tries to sell you something, they are not a real representative of our department,” Grossman said. “Rather, they are more likely attempting to make you a crime victim.”
Wyoming Medicaid, part of WDH, is a joint federal-state insurance program that pays for the medical and long-term care of low-income and medically needy individuals and families.
More information about Wyoming Medicaid can be found online at